Perfect Search Media™ is born unto the world! Don’t worry, there’s no videotape of it. Perfect Search™ begins working with clients like Goodyear, The Chicago Tribune, and Bonobos. We set up shop in a building on 116 W. Hubbard and become frequent customers of Bub City.
Cue dreamy flashback music. A young Ajay Pattani fell in love with Google AdWords when he was optimizing paid search campaigns for his family’s souvenir business. Like all true romances, this passion led to some big drama. No, not a race through the rainy streets of New York (we do love When Harry Met Sally, though)–a career change. Ajay went on to work at Resolution Media, FansEdge, and Dreams Corp. His obsession with building out “perfect” accounts with thousands of keywords sparked an idea. Why not start his own agency?