Reuse and Recycle: How to Repurpose Old Content and Remarket to Old Customers

So many things get better with age. Cheese. Wine. Content. Customers.
Yes, really. Older content can be seen by Google as more authoritative than newer content and it’s cheaper to retain old (A.K.A. loyal!) customers than to attract new customers.
Let’s dive into how you can repurpose your old content and remarket to old customers.
How to clean up old content
If you run a blog, chances are that as time’s gone on you’ve gotten better as a writer and started producing higher quality content. You’re probably tempted to scrap some of your older posts.
You don’t want someone going back through your archives and finding early posts that don’t match your current style and contain outdated references. (It’s not your fault that no one says ‘on fleek’ anymore!)
Even though you want to hit delete, don’t. Instead of getting rid of old content, try updating or repurposing it. Older content is more authoritative. Make that old content new again by including newer sources, more information, and current keyword research.
1) Repurposing old content
If your old content still holds up, you can still reuse it–by repurposing it. Say you have a great blog post on marketing tips for dog toys.
Use this post as a foundation for creating something new, like a video or an infographic. You get a new piece of valuable content–without putting a ton of work in the research, since you already had that.
2) Updating old content
When it comes to updating your posts, make sure you look at formatting, SEO, brand voice, and broken links. Small changes can make a big difference in how well your content performs.
Formatting: Make sure your formatting is clear and concise. Long paragraphs and a lack of organization will turn many readers off. Break up big chunks of text into smaller paragraphs under subheadings. Use images, bulleted lists, and bolding/italics.
SEO: While you’re at it, make sure you double check your SEO. If you aren’t using relevant keywords, change the text to include them in your meta data and content.
Brand voice: It’s likely that your brand voice has changed as your blog has evolved. Compare your old posts to your new posts and make sure that your voice is consistent.
Links: Double check your links and fix broken ones. No one likes clicking on something interesting only to be given the dreaded 404 message. Update internal links and change content based in changed external links.
Care about your old customers
Remember the old adage: “Make new friends and keep the old. One is silver and the other is gold.” Don’t just focus on attracting new readers and customers. Your existing base is gold.
After all, it’s 6-7 times more costly to attract a new customer than it is to retain an existing customer. You should work on nurturing a sense of brand loyalty that will encourage your audience to remain loyal to your business.
In addition to cultivating a strong brand presence, you still have opportunities to re-engage a converted user and bring them back for additional purchases. This makes the most sense for e-commerce businesses.
By using remarketing strategies to retarget old customers, you can influence repeat purchases.
AdWords has all kinds of remarketing strategies that allow you to target highly relevant customers, like previous purchasers. Some include:
Standard remarketing: Shows ads to previous visitors to your site
Dynamic remarketing: Takes standard remarketing to the next level by showing people specific products or services that people viewed on your website
Remarketing for mobile apps: Directed specifically to people who have used your app or website on their mobile device
Remarketing lists for search ads (RLSAs): Shows ads to people who have visited your site in the past when they’re searching for the same or similar products as the ones they viewed on your site
By retargeting your current customer base, you’re maximizing ROI and keeping them away from competitors.
Old doesn’t mean obsolete. When it comes to old content and old customers, don’t forget to reuse and recycle!
Read our blog post about why it’s so important to revamp old content here.