Team Member Spotlight: Nicole Green

Perfect Search’s new Manager of HR & Employee Engagement loves beach themes and helping people grow. Learn more about Nicole Green in her employee spotlight!
1) What’s your favorite part of your job so far? What’s the most challenging part of your job so far?
So far, my favorite part of my job is how fun it is! I take joy in putting together learning opportunities and activities focused on professional and personal development for Thursday meetings as well as making sure everything is in place to make our team succeed. Employee engagement is truly a passion of mine so ensuring everyone is supported, challenged and growing is super gratifying.
I also love the creativity I can bring to my work every day! The most challenging part of my job has been creating new ideas from the ground up, from forming to implementation so it requires patience, research and sometimes trial and error. Things move really quickly too, but I’m a fan of being kept on my toes!
2) What surprises you the most about digital marketing?
Something that has surprised me about digital marketing is how ever-present it truly is. I knew that marketing tactics were everywhere, but I didn’t know how perfected the process has become, and how in tune it’s important to be with results by utilizing analytics.
Also, now that I’m aware of how much time and effort is put into digital marketing application, I notice it all the time (and appreciate it!). I also secretly ask more questions in my interactions online like how much does it cost for me to click on this ad? Why was this result displayed first? I still have a lot to learn but it’s been fascinating so far.
3) What’s the wildest employee perk you wish you could get for the office?
I’d love to have a mini-beach getaway on site. I can picture it now… a little corner of the office that has sand, a lounge-y beach chair, some warming sunshine (maybe in the form of a nice heat lamp?) with some steel drums subtlety playing in the background and a piña colada machine. There’d be a “barefoot only” sign and a little fan for a sea breeze effect. If you can’t get to the beach…bring the beach to you!
4) If you could have your own version of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, what would you do?
I’d start the day off with a glorious brunch downtown with some stellar views, then check out some cat yoga (something I’ve always wanted to try) or my fav, SoulCycle. I’d then take a bike ride down to the lake and maybe spend some time on the water on a boat or a kayak. After that, I’d be ready to re-energize with some fancy ramen (mmm).
Next up would be a cooking class, a comedy show visit or a theatre show – maybe Hamilton, depending on if I could get my hands on some tickets. A concert at Northerly Island would also be a solid way to top the perfect day off. Basically, I need multiple days to achieve this vision but I’d totally make it worthwhile.

We love our Perfect Search team. While we’re all different, our team loves fierce kickball games, a good ping-pong rivalry, and Thursday meetings featuring Catchphrase and Summer Shandys. Find out more about our employees, our culture, and our personality here.