Why Does Voice Search Matter to Digital Marketing?

With the development of new technology, searching the web has moved away from desktop computers towards handheld devices. The convenience of handheld devices is preferred by users. Case in point: 60% of searches are from mobile devices.
Even more recently, mobile and home device assistants (such as Siri, Cortana, Google Now, and Alexa) have become increasingly popular, making up 20% of mobile search queries. The virtual assistants are not only faster for users who find it difficult to type, but also allow for follow-up questions in response to previous queries.
So what? What’s the big deal about voice search?
Voice search is nothing new to most users, as Siri is just over six years old. Over this time, new digital assistants have been introduced to smartphones, game consoles, and even television remotes.
As the popularity of these products has risen, the complexity of questions asked by users has increased. Therefore, the complexity of voice search answers has increased as well.
How has voice search changed?
People have expanded their usage of voice search from short commands to full sentences. Thus, digital device responses have been altered to be more conversational and lengthy in return.
In a recent survey, searchers who prefer voice search said they like its speed, the fact that their answer is read back to them, and that they do not have to type. In the future, these users want to see more direct answers to their questions without being directed to another site or app for more details.
How does voice search apply to digital marketing?
As the questions from voice search users get longer, it is important for your business to adjust SEO efforts accordingly. Focus on creating more long-tail keywords and full phrases to fully answer the long-tailed voice search questions.
Also, think about how the conversational nature of voice search could affect your content. Rather than searching for the “best restaurant” nearby, voice searches are turning towards specific questions such as “where can I eat gluten free pasta at in Chicago?”
By using your content to target these specific queries, the likelihood of appearing in voice search results can increase.
The convenience of voice search has demonstrated that users look for location information. It is essential to have your business address, phone number, business hours, and other details visible to Google to increase the potential of being used for voice searches.
Schema can also help make sure your site is providing the most relevant information to voice search devices. Since schema markup helps Google better understand your site, you’ll make it easier for Google to choose your site over other competitors.
Check out this Schema 101 Introduction and become more familiar with what schema is and how you can incorporate it in your website.
Any voice search questions? Use voice search to find out what our phone number is and give us a call! (Or you can contact us here.)