Social media platforms are no longer solely spaces for updating friends and sharing photos. These digital channels now serve a much greater purpose: they function as virtual shopping malls where browsing and buying merge seamlessly. Recent GoDaddy research reveals that 79% of Millennials and 80% of Gen Z consumers make purchases through social media commerce.
Good news. Summer isn’t over yet—because you still haven’t read our August Internview! Meet Junior Copywriter DJ Oh. He loves music festivals, turkey legs, and don’t even get him started on Pulp Fiction. Get to know him and what surprises him about SEO copywriting now.
“The shift to mobile is no longer happening, or will happen—the shift to mobile has happened.”—from the Google AdWords blog. The search giant has spoken. Maybe it’s no surprise to those of us (present company included) who use their phones as a compass, restaurant guide, and a way to make it through the morning commute,
Penguin. Panda. Hummingbird. No, we’re not talking about the latest exhibitions at the zoo. We’re talking about Google’s search result ranking algorithms that crawl your web pages in order to rank them.
Content marketing. If you definitely feel like you understand “content” and you’ve got a firm grasp on “marketing,” but the two words combined stump you, read on.
Metadata. Sounds fancy, right? It seems like some sort of crazy technical code that only a senior web developer understands—but that’s not the case. No need to fret any longer, my fellow non-developers.
Whether you’re new to paid search and social advertising for your business or you’ve been in the game for a while, you should always think about the most important numbers to track. Study up on conversions now.