Perfect Search Is Now a Google Premier Partner

Big. News. Perfect Search Media is now a Google Premier Partner!
We’ve been a Google Partner for a while now, but since Google rolled out their Premier Partner status, it was time for an upgrade.
Not sure what this update entails? It’s not just a shiny new badge in our homepage’s footer; it means that the Perfect Search team gets access to exclusive Google betas and we have a specific team at Google dedicated to helping our clients. Say hello to immediate access to a Google team committed to your business.
Only 10% of Google Partners qualify to become a Premier Partner. Google Premier Partners must have an illustrious history managing a ton of AdWords accounts, a large existing customer base, and an unparalleled commitment to customer support. Plus, it certainly doesn’t hurt that our team is Google AdWords and Google Analytics Certified (not to mention our Bing and HubSpot Inbound Marketing Certifications, but that’s a tangent).
Though TL;DR doesn’t really apply here–did you know it meant “Too long; didn’t read?”– here’s the TL;DR version for all you skimmers: Perfect Search is a Google Premier Partner. For our clients, that means increased access to Google, the ability to try out betas before anyone else, and, of course, the fact that Google recognizes Perfect Search as the best of the best in terms of search expertise.
For more deets on the Google Premier Partner Status, get it straight from the horse’s (er, AdWords’) mouth—check out the Google AdWords blog post on it.

Kayla Hammersmith is a huge fan of Nancy Drew computer games and swears that she can do a very specific impression of Pal, the dog from Arthur. You might often find her snacking on goat cheese as she dreams of one day becoming a cellist savant.