7 Clever Ecommerce Marketing Strategies for The Holidays 2024

The holiday season isn’t just busy—it’s make or break. Your competitors are pulling out all the stops, and if you want to stand out in the crowded market, you need to be smarter and more strategic. From Black Friday to Christmas, there’s a huge opportunity to drive sales, but it requires more than …

How to NOT Automate Your SEO & PPC with AI

Automation is on the rise, with artificial intelligence (AI) tools able to handle simple, mundane tasks that would have taken large amounts of human time in years past. Automation can save time in both search engine optimization (SEO) and online advertising (PPC) if it is guided by human strategy …

10 Best SEM Tools to Boost Your Paid Search Strategy

Every year in the digital marketing world, advertisers are provided with more and more data to help them reach goals for clients. While this data is great, it can also get overwhelming. Never fear! I’m here for you.

Pros and Cons of Building a Digital Marketing Strategy for Brand Awareness

With CPCs rising on Google Ads for search advertising and on Meta for social media advertising, some companies are shifting their marketing strategy to focus on brand awareness.

The Top Conversion Goals for Association Marketing Leaders

Starting any new marketing leadership role is intimidating—transitioning to a new team with new faces, learning industry-specific policies, and familiarizing yourself with the overall goals of your new organization takes time and effort. And that’s only for a “traditional” marketing role.

2022 Holiday Marketing Trends for Non-Retail Businesses

For retail or e-commerce businesses, the holiday season is often the most significant time of the year, accounting for 19% or more of annual revenue. Deloitte’s annual holiday retail survey finds that, with inflation top of mind, consumers are looking for deals and are still planning on spending …

How to Create and Test New Marketing Strategies

Marketing leaders are bombarded with new strategy ideas from every direction.

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