Picture this: A marketing professional spends their lunch hour scrolling mindlessly through Instagram while chomping on a sandwich. Within seconds, a perfectly targeted ad catches their eye—a productivity tool promising to streamline their workflow. Without a second thought, they click “Buy Now.”
Want something done? Just ask. That’s the mentality behind calls-to-action (CTAs). You probably put CTAs in your ad copy, but you’re missing out if you don’t also make calls-to-action an integral part of your website.
There’s a wealth of published research on the art of persuasion and how people make decisions. While this sounds like something you glossed over in Psych 101, it has real-world consequences—especially in the e-commerce industry.
In the midst of all of the AdWords updates—you know, the new AdWords experience and the expanding impact of Google Brain—Google made a sudden announcement at the beginning of October 2017. Campaigns can now potentially spend up to twice the set daily budget. Yes, you read that right.
From Anthropologie’s idyllic Instagram to Spotify’s pointed ads, user generated content (UGC) is taking center stage when it comes to content marketing. While your business may not have quite the same reach of these major corporations, we can still learn from their UGC campaigns.