Why Does Voice Search Matter to Digital Marketing?

With the development of new technology, searching the web has moved away from desktop computers towards handheld devices. The convenience of handheld devices is preferred by users. Case in point: 60% of searches are from mobile devices.

A Comprehensive Guide to A/B Testing Your Website [Infographic]

At Perfect Search, there are quite a few things we’re obsessed with. Cold Stone ice cream cakes and A/B testing are pretty high on the list.

5 SEO Best Practices for Web Developers

When you’re developing a website, you tend to be more concerned with the nitty-gritty of getting the site to, you know, function than getting it noticed.

4 Ways You Can Adjust Your Digital Marketing According to the Weather

A changing of the seasons is upon us. Summer brings warmer temps, rooftop bars, and—sometimes—unpredictable storms. (Trust me, I’m from Florida, I would know.)

What’s Project Owl All About?

Project Owl isn’t J.K. Rowling’s latest addition to the Harry Potter universe. (Unfortunately.) It’s Google’s latest effort to improve search quality and reduce the spread of inaccurate or misleading information.

5 Tips to Help You Ace Your Next Digital Marketing Phone Interview

If you’re like most millennials, you only answer your phone when your Postmates delivery is outside your apartment. The idea of a phone interview might leave you feeling tongue-tied. Never fear!

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