Social media platforms are no longer solely spaces for updating friends and sharing photos. These digital channels now serve a much greater purpose: they function as virtual shopping malls where browsing and buying merge seamlessly.
Recent GoDaddy research reveals that 79% of Millennials and 80% …
Hello, stat junkies! Word on the street is that you relish the opportunity to view your website’s traffic in new and exciting ways. Me too. That’s why I love taking advantage of advanced Google Analytics segments.
Well, well, well. It’s the same old story. An update to the Google search engine results page (SERP) is inevitably accompanied by an industry-wide freak-out. On February 18th, Google eliminated all right-column ads and made four ads at the top of the SERP standard. Of course, the frenzied articles …
Okay, you’ve probably heard so many inspirational quotes about how nothing is impossible. But let me tell you something–it really is impossible to know how your site is performing with limited data. While Google Analytics tracks a number of basic (and important!) metrics by default, …
While earning their Ph.D.’s from the University of Stanford in 1996, Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin developed an algorithm that would change the World Wide Web forever. At the time, most search engines ranked results solely by counting how many times the search terms appeared on …
If you’re a webmaster or SEO guru, you’re probably awaiting the highly anticipated Google Penguin 4.0 update. After all, it’s the most exciting penguin news since the heartwarming (and definite tear-jerker) 2005 documentary March of the Penguins. No matter when the update actually rolls out, …