Harnessing the Viral Power of TikTok

With its explosive growth and wide range of content, TikTok may seem like the Wild West of marketing. But the video-sharing app’s potential is huge. First, let’s go over the stats. Then, use these three strategies to introduce your brand into the world of TikTok – you might even see yourself go …

Accepting Challenges as An Entrepreneur

In the summer of 2007, I was hired by a FansEdge.com, a sports merchandise retailer, to manage their Google Adwords account.  I couldn’t have imagined that within 3 years I would be promoted to head of all advertising while simultaneously launching my own company, Perfect Search. Yet, there I was …

Everything You Need to Know About SEO & COVID-19

Here at Perfect Search, we’ve been taking notes on how the current global pandemic has affected SEO and what you can do to combat problems that have arisen as a result of the current crisis. We’ve compiled solutions and information on just about everything you need to know about how COVID-19 is …

The Hidden Benefits of Choosing A Smaller Agency

We’ve all heard the phrase “bigger is better.”  We tend to like big ideas, and if you’re me, a large diet Coke’s at Mickey D’s is pure pleasure (why does it always taste better at McDonald’s?!?!?). While this phrase is true in many cases, i.e. bigger bank account, it’s not always a universally …

What Harley Quinn Has Taught Us About SEO

Despite jumping off to a fairly respectable start with Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel, the DC Extended Universe has had trouble getting off the ground after a series of underwhelming attempts to expand the world. Despite critical success with their most recent release, Birds of Prey: And the …

Perfect Search Wins Two AVA Digital Awards!

Exciting news! Perfect Search Media has been awarded not one, but TWO AVA Digital awards! We earned an honorable mention for our Best Bully Sticks blog and are Platinum Winners for our Best Bully Stick Case Study!

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