What You Need to Know About SEO for Images: From Alt Tags to A/B Testing

A third of all searches performed on Google are for images, which means that images aren’t just for show – they’re important for the success of your website. 

Cele-purr-ties of Instagram: 3 Digital Marketing Lessons You Can Learn From Celebrity Pets

Famous pets have taken Instagram by storm. What can the likes of Grumpy Cat and Doug the Pug teach us about marketing? As it turns out, a lot. 

Why Does Voice Search Matter to Digital Marketing?

60% of searches happen on mobile–and 20% of those are voice search queries. Voice search is only getting bigger. Here’s why it matters for your business. 

A Comprehensive Guide to A/B Testing Your Website [Infographic]

Dive into the A, B, C’s of A/B testing and how your business can incorporate it into your digital marketing strategy now.

Why Company Culture Matters When You’re Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency

While RFPs, preferred vendor lists, and prior relationships are still strong factors in hiring an agency, company culture is gaining traction as well.

5 SEO Best Practices for Web Developers

When you’re developing a website, you tend to be more concerned with the nitty-gritty of getting the site to, you know, function than getting it noticed. However, it’s important to incorporate SEO best practices into your new website.

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