Social media platforms are no longer solely spaces for updating friends and sharing photos. These digital channels now serve a much greater purpose: they function as virtual shopping malls where browsing and buying merge seamlessly. Recent GoDaddy research reveals that 79% of Millennials and 80% of Gen Z consumers make purchases through social media commerce.
Have you heard? Custom images and illustrations are on the rise this year; they’re even one of the biggest web design trends in 2015 and 2016. Find out how to transition away from stock photos and to images that reflect your brand.
Growing up, we’re always taught that it’s important to learn from our mistakes. Sometimes, it’s better to save yourself the trouble and learn from the mistakes of others. Check out these real life content marketing mistakes, ranging from “oopsie daisy” to full-on, slow-motion train wreck.
Eager to learn more about a day in the life of a Perfect Search SEO & Search Advertising Analyst? You’re in luck. This month, we’re talking to David Feldbaum, Perfect Search’s very own expert in flexibillity.
Over the years, I’ve been fortunate enough to have both formal and informal mentors in my life. It’s an incredible way of acquiring insights into your own goals and business practices, building your professional network, and gaining all kinds of experience.
Well, well, well. It’s the same old story. An update to the Google search engine results page (SERP) is inevitably accompanied by an industry-wide freak-out. On February 18th, Google eliminated all right-column ads and made four ads at the top of the SERP standard.
Deciding what digital marketing model is right for your business can be incredibly difficult and time-consuming. It’s hard enough for me to pick out an outfit in the morning when I’m half –asleep, so I get it. It’s important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution.